45th Annual National Association for
Rural Mental Health Conference
La Fonda on the Plaza
Santa Fe, New Mexico
August 26-29, 2019
“From Surviving to Thriving: Embracing Connections”
The 2019 NARMH Annual Conference theme is “From Surviving to Thriving: Embracing Connections”. NARMH “rode the winds
of change” in Santa Fe in 2002, and now we return in 2019 to see what we have learned, what has changed, and where
we are headed. We want to learn from communities who have gone from surviving to thriving and how that impact is
maintained and enhanced. We want to get to know each other and have fun together.
There are over 60 breakout sessions with topics focusing on the following areas: Surviving to Thriving, Workforce Issues,
Innovations in Service Delivery, Dilemmas in Addressing Trauma, Rural and Frontier Workforce Development
Strategies, Embracing the Reality of Behavioral Health in Rural Communities – Struggles, Responses and
Successes, Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders and Other Topics. The plenary sessions include: 1) The Path to
Thriving: Strategic Doing and Rural Mental Health; 2) From Surviving to Thriving in American Indian Communities:
Transcending Historical Trauma; 3) Introducing the MHTTC- A New Workforce Development Resource; and 4) The Very
Large Array of Youth and Adult Peer Support. The conference also features a Reception with Flamenco Dancing as
well as a NARMH Night at the Movies showing the film: The Providers. There are also four preconference sessions
to choose.
There is no better place to do that than the City Different, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Bienvenidos! Visit the NARMH website at
https://www.narmh.org/ to explore the details of the 2019 NARMH Annual
Conference. We look forward to seeing you in Santa Fe!
Use the navigation pane on the left of this page to explore the details of the 2019 NARMH Annual Conference.
- Helene Silverblatt, Conference Co-Chair and NARMH Board Member
- Christine Pederson, Conference Co-Chair